
Email & Retention Marketing Service 

Ecommerce growth starts with Scoop Global's email & retention marketing: Targeted campaigns nurture, convert, and keep your brand top-of-mind.


In today’s competitive ecommerce landscape, fostering customer loyalty is crucial for sustained growthThat’s where Scoop Global’s email & retention marketing services come in. We craft targeted email campaigns that nurture leads, drive conversions, and keep your brand at the forefront of your customers’ minds.

Here's How Scoop Global Can Help Your Ecommerce Business Thrive

Targeted Email Marketing Services

Targeted Email Marketing Services

We go beyond generic blasts that end up buried in spam folders. Our team of strategists develops highly targeted email campaigns that resonate deeply with your specific audience segmentsBy delving into customer demographics, purchase behavior, and past interactions, we craft personalized messages that pique interest, deliver exceptional value, and ultimately drive conversions. 

Compelling Content Creation

Compelling Content Creation

Our skilled copywriters aren’t just wordsmiths – they’re storytellers who understand the power of crafting captivating email contentWe create subject lines that entice customers to open your email, email copy that compels them to engage, and clear calls to action that guide them towards the desired outcomeWith a focus on emotional connection, persuasive language, and strategic storytelling, we ensure your email marketing efforts resonate with your audience and deliver exceptional results. 

Customer Retention Strategies

We don’t just create beautiful emails – we create emails that convertOur team leverages data analytics and A/B testing to meticulously optimize your email campaigns for maximum conversions.   By analyzing key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, we identify areas for improvement and refine your email strategy to ensure each campaign drives optimal results. 

By partnering with Scoop, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of email & retention marketing services, including
  • Welcome email sequences: Make a lasting first impression and onboard new customers seamlessly. 
  • Custom Designed Emails: Stand out from the crowd with visually appealing, brand-consistent emails. 
  • Campaign Strategy & Management: We handle the planning, execution, and optimization of your email marketing campaigns. 
  • Automation Optimization: Leverage the power of automation to streamline communications and free up your resources. 
  • A/B Tested Mails: We constantly test and refine your emails to ensure optimal performance. 
  • Product launch announcements: Generate excitement and drive sales with targeted product launch campaigns. 
  • Promotional offers and discounts: Incentivize purchases and encourage repeat business with strategic promotions. 
  • Abandoned cart recovery emails: Win back potential customers and recover lost sales with timely abandoned cart emails. 
  • Re-engagement campaigns: Reconnect with inactive customers and reignite their interest in your brand. 
  • Educational content & newsletters: Provide value, build trust, and establish yourself as an industry thought leader with informative content. 


Partner with Scoop Global and unlock the full potential of email marketing to drive sales, build customer loyalty, and achieve sustainable ecommerce success.