
Top 7 Strategies for Successful Amazon Advertising Campaigns

Top 7 Strategies for Successful Amazon Advertising Campaigns

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In the competitive world of eCommerce, brands are constantly searching for effective strategies to boost their visibility, increase sales, and achieve sustainable growth. Amazon, being a dominant marketplace, provides a variety of advertising solutions that can significantly enhance a brand’s presence and profitability. Understanding and implementing the right successful Amazon advertising strategies can be the difference between stagnant sales and exponential growth. In this blog, we will delve into the top seven ad strategy tactics used by the top 30% of brands on Amazon. 

Here are the top 7 Tactics for Successful Amazon Advertising Campaigns

7 Tactics for Successful Amazon Advertising Campaigns

Strategy 1: Sponsored Brands Campaign 

Why It Matters: Sponsored Brands help build long-term relationships with shoppers, educate them about the brand, and increase conversions through engaging creatives. 


  • Promote multiple products with your brand logo and a custom image. 
  • Use video ads to stand out and direct shoppers to your product detail pages or store. 

Example: For a skincare brand, create a Sponsored Brands campaign featuring a collection of your best-selling moisturizers and cleansers, with a video showcasing customer testimonials and product benefits. 

Strategy 2: Sponsored Display Campaigns 

Why It Matters: Sponsored Display ads reach shoppers across various websites and devices, utilizing Amazon’s machine learning for optimized ad delivery. 


  • Reach new audiences on and off Amazon. 
  • Flexible and customizable campaign settings with options for images or videos. 

Targeting to Start: 

  • Automatic Targeting: Let Amazon’s algorithms match your ads with relevant customer search terms. This is a great starting point to gather data on which keywords and search terms drive the most traffic and conversions. 
  • Product Targeting: Target your ads to appear on specific product detail pages or categories to reach shoppers browsing similar or complementary products. 

Example: A fitness equipment brand could target ads on pages of complementary products like yoga mats or athletic apparel. 

Strategy 3: Create a Store and Use a Sponsored Brand Store Spotlight 

Why It Matters: This ad format drives shoppers to your Amazon store, increasing product detail page views and sales. 


  • Create a compelling Amazon store. 
  • Use Sponsored Brand Store Spotlight ads to showcase your store and product collections. 

Example: A home decor brand could create a store with curated collections for different room styles and use Sponsored Brand Store Spotlight ads to drive traffic to these collections. 

Strategy  4: Sponsored Display Views Remarketing 

Why It Matters: This tactic re-engages shoppers who have already viewed your product detail pages, driving awareness and consideration. 

How to Implement: 

  • Choose audiences who have viewed your advertised products or similar products. 
  • Set the lookback window to specify the timeframe for views. 

Example: A tech gadget brand could use views remarketing to target customers who viewed their latest smartphone but did not purchase, offering a discount or highlighting key features in the ad. 

Strategy 5: Use Both Automated and Custom Creatives for Sponsored Display 

Why It Matters: Ensuring ads are relevant and engaging for different objectives is crucial. 

When to Use: 

  • Automated Creatives: For familiar audiences, utilizing product imagery from your detail pages. 
  • Custom Creatives: For new audiences, using lifestyle images to tell your brand story. 

Example: A fashion brand could use automated creatives for retargeting customers who have visited their product pages while using custom creatives featuring lifestyle images to attract new customers. 

Strategy 6: Combine Sponsored Products, Brands, and Display Campaigns 

Why It Matters: Combining these ad formats ensures you reach shoppers at different stages of their journey. 

Implementation Tips: 

  • Run Sponsored Products campaigns to capture shoppers with high purchase intent. 
  • Use Sponsored Brands to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your store. 
  • Leverage Sponsored Display to re-engage and convert previous visitors. 

Example: A pet supply brand could run Sponsored Products ads for best-selling pet food, Sponsored Brands ads to highlight their full range of pet care products, and Sponsored Display ads to retarget customers who have previously shown interest. 

Strategy 7: Negative Keyword Targeting 

Why It Matters: Negative keyword targeting prevents your ads from showing up for irrelevant search queries, reducing wasted spend and improving ROAS. 

How to Implement: 

  • Analyze search term reports to identify low-performing keywords. 
  • Add these keywords to your negative targeting list. 
  • Regularly review and update your negative keywords to maintain campaign efficiency. 

Example: A luxury watch brand could add negative keywords related to “cheap” or “discount” to avoid attracting customers looking for low-priced alternatives. 

Match Types and Bidding Strategies for Amazon Campaigns 

Match Types: 

Broad Match: Targets a wide range of search terms, including variations and related terms, increasing visibility and reaching a broader audience. 

Phrase Match: Targets search terms that include the exact phrase or close variations, offering a balance between reach and relevance. 

Exact Match: Targets search terms that exactly match your keyword, ensuring your ads are shown to highly relevant audiences. 

Bidding Strategies: 

Dynamic Bids – Up and Down: Amazon adjusts your bids in real-time based on the likelihood of a conversion, maximizing your ad performance by increasing bids for high-converting opportunities and decreasing bids for low-converting ones. 

Fixed Bids: Your bids remain static and are not adjusted by Amazon, giving you full control over your bid amounts but requiring more manual management. 

Bid Adjustments by Placement: Set different bid adjustments for ads shown at the top of search results, product pages, or other placements to increase visibility in high-converting placements. 

Suggestions for Optimizing Ads for Amazon Campaigns 

Use High-Quality Images and Videos: Ensure your product images and videos are high-quality, clear, and showcase your product’s features and benefits. Visual content plays a significant role in attracting and converting shoppers. 

Optimize Product Listings: Make sure your product titles, descriptions, and bullet points are optimized with relevant keywords. Clear, concise, and informative product listings help improve your ad’s relevance and click-through rate. 

A/B Testing: Regularly test different ad creatives, headlines, and targeting options to identify what works best for your audience. Use the insights gained from A/B testing to refine and improve your campaigns. 

Monitor and Adjust Bids: Continuously monitor your campaign performance and adjust your bids based on the data. Increase bids for high-performing keywords and reduce bids for low-performing ones to optimize your ad spend. 

Utilize Negative Keywords: Identify and add negative keywords to your campaigns to prevent your ads from showing for irrelevant search terms. This helps reduce wasted spend and improves your campaign’s efficiency. 

Leverage Amazon’s Reports: Use Amazon’s reporting tools to analyze your campaign performance. Look at metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on ad spend (ROAS) to make data-driven decisions and optimize your campaigns. 

How Scoop Global Can Help 

At Scoop Global, we specialize in boosting your success on Amazon with a personalized touch. Our team is more than just an agency; we’re a powerhouse that provides a range of expert services to brands worldwide. Experience higher traffic and conversions with our tailored approach! 

Explore Our Amazon Advertising Services:

Amazon PPC Management: Equipped with a carefully crafted advertising strategy, our Amazon PPC management team takes the reins, meticulously launching and overseeing your ad campaigns. We adopt a data-driven approach, constantly monitoring performance metrics, analyzing customer behavior, and making real-time optimizations to ensure your campaigns deliver exceptional results. 

Expert Analysis: Unlock your brand’s full potential with Scoop Global’s expert analysis. Our team delves into your Amazon data, analyzing key metrics, keywords, ad structure, market trends, and competitors to identify areas for improvement and unlock your full potential. 

Strategy Development: For Amazon advertising success, we craft a personalized roadmap that aligns seamlessly with your unique business objectives and brand identity. Our tailored approach encompasses a strategic blend of Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display Ad campaigns. 

Growth Strategy: At Scoop Global, client success is our unwavering commitment. Our team of passionate Amazon advertising specialists is relentlessly focused on identifying and unlocking hidden gems, uncovering untapped opportunities, and charting the course for your brand’s exponential growth. 

Reporting: Our team of data-driven analysts ensures your Amazon advertising campaigns consistently deliver exceptional results. We provide comprehensive weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports, detailing campaign performance, keyword rankings, and customer engagement metrics. 

With Scoop Global, your Amazon advertising is in capable hands. We’ll keep you informed every step of the way, providing transparent reporting, regular consultations, and ongoing support to ensure your campaigns align with your business goals and deliver sustainable growth. Contact us today to elevate your Amazon advertising strategy and achieve remarkable success. 

For more in-depth information, you can also refer to our blog Amazon Marketing Strategies To Implement in 2024, which provides further insights into optimizing your Amazon marketing. 

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