
Simple Checklist for a Successful Amazon Product Launch 2024

Simple Checklist for a Successful Amazon Product Launch 2023

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In 2022, Amazon’s overall combined sales revenue reached remarkable heights, with a significant contribution from third-party sellers. With Amazon’s dominance in the world of e-commerce, the temptation to launch your products on this platform is undeniable. However, the complexities of the Amazon business landscape can be daunting. To help you navigate this terrain successfully, we’ve prepared a comprehensive checklist for a successful Amazon product launch. 

Amazon Product Launch Strategy: A Must-Have 

Launching a product on Amazon is more than just listing it. It requires a well-thought-out strategy, especially if you’re planning to capitalize on the high-traffic Amazon platform. Here’s your roadmap to success: 

1. Market & Product Understanding 

Before diving in, you need to understand the market you’re entering and how your product fits in: 

Product Research: Ask yourself critical questions about your product’s uniqueness, problem-solving capabilities, and long-term demand. This helps you create a compelling marketing strategy. 

Competition & Market Sizing: Assess the competitive landscape, market size, and potential for differentiation. This foundation is vital for a successful product entry. 

Category Selection on Amazon: Choose your product category wisely to maximize sales, visibility, and the chance to earn Best Seller tags. 

2. Annual Sales Targets & Financial Assessment 

Set clear revenue targets for your new product launch, driving decisions related to inventory planning, promotional offers, and advertising strategies. 

3. Product Listing 

Even the best product won’t sell if it doesn’t appear in top search results. Ensure your product listing is optimized: 

Craft a Keyword-Focused Title: Your product title should follow a standard formula – Brand + Main Keyword/Product Type + Key Features + Benefits + Color/Size, etc. This ensures your product is easily discoverable.

  • Amazon titles can be between 80 and 200 characters depending on the product category, ideally under 130 characters.
  • Mobile devices only show the first 80 characters of a product listing title.

Consumer-Focused Bullet Points: In your product description, create bullet points that directly address consumer needs and pain points. Make it clear why your product is the solution they’ve been searching for.

  • Each bullet point can be up to 500 characters long but should ideally be kept under 200 characters for higher conversion.
  • Amazon truncates bullet points at 400 characters on mobile devices.

Information-Driven Description: While creativity is essential, ensure your product description is information-driven. Highlight features, specifications, and how the product solves specific problems.

  • Use short sentences and divide the description into multiple, short paragraphs.
  • Incorporate long-tail keywords not used in the title or bullet points.
  • Discuss real-life use cases and introduce the element of scarcity wherever possible.

Update Backend Keywords: Don’t forget to update backend keywords to enhance your product’s discoverability in search results.

  • Amazon’s description has a maximum character limit of 1000 characters.
  • Amazon only shows the first 200 characters of a product description on mobile.

High-Resolution Product Images: Use high-resolution images to showcase your product from various angles. Clear and appealing visuals can significantly impact purchase decisions.

  • You can upload up to nine images for your product listing, but Amazon only displays seven images on the product page.
  • Always upload high-resolution product images. The images should be 1500×1500 pixels and should follow the 80-20 rule.
  • Always preview your product listing on both desktop and mobile before finalizing the optimization work.

Secure Reviews: Encourage reviews for your products. Positive reviews build trust and credibility, making potential buyers more likely to choose your product.

  • Enroll in the Vine Program.
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews with product inserts.
  • Use the Request a Review button inside the Seller Central to ask for reviews from customers post-sales

4. Pre-Launch Activities 

Prepare for your product launch meticulously: 

Inventory Plan: Ensure you have sufficient stock for the launch and beyond. Create a 6-month inventory plan, considering production and shipping times, especially in the current global logistics landscape. 

Shipping & Fulfillment: Decide between FBA and self-fulfillment based on sales volume, packaging size, and cost factors. 

Package Sizing and FBA Fees: Validate your packaging size to avoid unexpected FBA fees. 

Brand Registry: Consider registering your brand on Amazon, as it can enhance your credibility. 

Reviews & Rating Plan: Develop a strategy to gather reviews gradually, adhering to Amazon’s guidelines. 

Advertising Strategy: Plan an ad budget and campaigns to drive initial traffic and sales. 

External Traffic: Explore strategies to funnel external traffic to your listing, such as through social media, email lists, and blog posts. 

5. Launch Activities 

Execute your product launch plan: 

  • Create and publish your product listing. 
  • Set up planned ad campaigns. 
  • Implement A+ content and Amazon Storefront to build your brand. 
  • Consider affiliate and influencer marketing campaigns. 
  • Use giveaways and discount codes for initial sales. 

6. Post-Launch Activities 

Ensure the sustainability of your listing post-launch: 

  • Manage inventory efficiently. 
  • Monitor initial reviews and address any negative feedback promptly. 
  • Respond to FAQs on your listing. 
  • Plan ongoing promotions and align them with Amazon events. 
  • Be patient with your ads’ strategy as it takes time to yield results. 

Your Path to Amazon Success 

While this checklist covers the essential elements of a successful Amazon product launch, there’s always more you can do to elevate your product’s performance. If you’re looking for a customized and comprehensive launch plan for your products, we’re here to help. Book a Strategy Call with us today to unlock the full potential of your Amazon journey. 

Launching products on Amazon can be a lucrative endeavor, but a well-structured Amazon product launch strategy is the key to unlocking its full potential. By following this 6-point checklist, you can increase your chances of success and position your products for growth on the world’s largest e-commerce platform. So, go ahead, take the leap, and let your products shine on Amazon! 

Also, You may like to read to get started on your Shopify store – Simple Checklist for Launching Shopify Store 2023

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