Data Analytics

Turn data into insights and insights into action.

Actionable Insight

Omnichannel Reporting

Customizable Reporting Tools

Competitive Advantage

Discover More about Our
Data Analytics Services

Actionable Insight

We aim to provide insights that you can act upon. We provide live, actionable insights into every aspect of the Amazon marketplace, helping you make informed decisions that drive growth.

Omnichannel Reporting

Our omnichannel reporting gives you a bird’s eye view of your performance across all platforms. This comprehensive approach enables efficient management and accurate attribution of spends, optimizing your marketing investments.

Customizable Reporting Tools

Our reporting platforms are customizable to suit your preferences. We believe in providing you with data that’s relevant to your business, presented in a manner that’s easiest for you to understand and utilize.

Competitive Advantage

Through performance analysis, we enable you to gain a competitive edge. We help you adapt to disadvantages and capitalize on advantages, thereby increasing your market share profitably. Let us help you make the most of your data.

Contact Us for Customized
Data Analytics Services

Every e-commerce business is unique, and so are its operational needs. Our team at Scoop Global is always ready to provide personalized services to help you excel. Get in touch with us today to discuss your unique operational requirements and how we can assist you in achieving your business goals.

You May Also Need

Protect your brand and intellectual property.

Build a strong foundation with the right legal & compliance practices.

Maintain a global presence, and continuously strive for perfection

Data Analytics

Turn data into insights and insights
into action.



Reporting Tools


Discover More about Our
Data Analytics Services

Actionable Insight

We aim to provide insights that you can act upon. We provide live, actionable insights into every aspect of the Amazon marketplace, helping you make informed decisions that drive growth.

Omnichannel Reporting

Our omnichannel reporting gives you a bird’s eye view of your performance across all platforms. This comprehensive approach enables efficient management and accurate attribution of spends, optimizing your marketing investments.

Customizable Reporting Tools

Our reporting platforms are customizable to suit your preferences. We believe in providing you with data that’s relevant to your business, presented in a manner that’s easiest for you to understand and utilize.

Competitive Advantage

Through performance analysis, we enable you to gain a competitive edge. We help you adapt to disadvantages and capitalize on advantages, thereby increasing your market share profitably. Let us help you make the most of your data.

Contact Us for Our Customized
Data Analytics Services

Every e-commerce business is unique, and so are its operational needs. Our team at Scoop Global is always ready to provide personalized services to help you excel. Get in touch with us today to discuss your unique data analytucs requirements and how we can assist you in achieving your business goals.